Wednesday, January 29, 2014

36 Weeks

36 weeks! Wow! I did not think we'd make it this far. And now that we have....and that it would be safe if the babies came....I can not stress enough....GET OUT BABIES!!!! There are lots of people waiting to meet you so lets get this show on the road!! I know we will be meeting them in 2 weeks at the latest but I could go for before that and so could their daddy!!! Big brother prefers that nothing changes but he'll adjust to them and love them too :)

Also took a Pinterest inspired photo this week. Took about 10 minutes to get Mav to cooperate but I love it!
Someone loves his brother and sister already.....he just doesn't know it

Weeks along: 36 weeks

Trimester: THIRD!

Frequency of OB appointments: Weekly. This week we have our biophysical profile (ultrasound and stress test) at the hospital and then an OB appointment after

How I'm feeling: GET OUT! GET OUT! GET OUT!  I am done. I am so done with being pregnant from a physical and mental standpoint. I'm sure poor Ed is sick of hearing me whine every night. Horrible dizziness this week. Back pain is horrendous, sharp stabbing pains up and down my back. Can't seem to get enough sleep. Lots of braxton hicks contractions. Tons of edema in my feet, ankles, legs, and lower back/butt. My legs hurt to move because they are so swollen. Mentally I'm just ready to meet these two! I mean really its been 3 years in the making at this point, our bags are packed, nursery is done, lets just get on with it!!! 

Total Weight Gain:  39 pounds (Ugh!)

Babies are the size of: a watermelon

Movement: Lots of kicking and punching in this mama's belly. Huge increase in Braxton Hicks contractions

Cravings:  Fruit and banana splits!

Sleep: Still sleeping without the need for extra pillows. Getting a good 10 hours a night...minus the bathroom breaks which are generally 2+ a night! Poor Mav gets up every time I do....I think he's starting to get as sick of the bathroom breaks as I am!

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!! 

Belly button: Innie! *But its a VERY tight (and small!!!) innie!! 

Bedrest/Restrictions: Only can work 4 days a week and need to take it easy on weekends. No more driving :( I am enjoying the drive with Ed though, nice to have company and not be the one focused on traffic. Also since its been freezing out its nice getting picked up in an already heated car curbside and not having to walk to the parking ramp and get in a cold car!!!

What I miss: Being comfortable! My cute normal clothes. Having ankles. Not having constant pain in my back and legs.

Best part of the week:  Passing another stress test for the babies and knowing they are still healthy as can be. Also getting my hair done, was nice to pamper myself a little and get back to blonde! I haven't gone this light in like 2 years for fear of having horrendous roots if we got pregnant. But now that I know I can keep up with regular hair appts again we are back to blonde! The hubs loves it too :)

New Baby Gear:  Nothing! We are ready!!! 

What I'm looking forward to this week: The hope that maybe the babies want to come out??!?! Looking forward to our doctors appt this week to see if I'm more dilated or if any changes that maybe indicate the babies will come sooner then later. 

Whats left to do before twins come: Finalize baby girl's name. Pamper myself ;) Enjoy the last few nights of sleeping through the night and the last few weekends sleeping in! Spoil Maverick rotten!! 

Here's hoping my next post is about the Twins arrival and not 37 weeks!!!!

Monday, January 20, 2014

35 Weeks

Well another week down and another week closer to meeting these babies. We got some major things done this week. Took the car to the fire station and made sure we had everything installed right. I'm so glad we did this, 80% of car seats aren't put in properly and although ours were in correct, they weren't quite tight enough so we got all that figured out. We have to keep our precious cargo safe :) Of course now that we have car seats in the car it makes it quite difficult to get Mav around. I tried to take him to daycare, got his very excited furry body to the car, realized he couldn't go in his spot, and had to think fast. SO I put him in the front seat.....he was not a fan. He couldn't lay down and didn't understand why he was there so he literally cried the whole drive to daycare. Oh buddy if you think that was the worse thing just you wait....poor little sweet boy has no idea how is life is changing!

We also got our daycare situation finalized which is a huge relief! I think the babies are going to be very happy with their daycare. It is fantastic, Ed and I are both thrilled they got in.

And lastly we had a level 2 ultrasound in the past week. It was great to see the babies for an hour! They estimate baby boy is 4# 13 oz and baby girl is 4# 7 oz. They said she has chubby cheeks and is very skinny like her mama. They thought he looks very long and lean like his daddy with heart shaped lips. Getting very excited to see these two little miracles! And now for pictures from this week......

Weeks along: 35 weeks

Trimester: THIRD!

Frequency of OB appointments: Weekly. This week we have our biophysical profile (ultrasound and stress test) at the hospital and then an OB appointment after

How I'm feeling: Ready for these babies! We have EVERYTHING done, lets get this show on the road!! From a physical standpoint I am miserable.......Dizziness and lightheadedness is getting worse, Ed will start driving me to and from work now so I'm not a danger to people on the road. Back pain is horrible.  Exhausted. Having Braxton Hicks contractions numerous times a day now. Swollen swollen swollen. The swelling is so bad in my feet, ankles, and legs it hurts to walk. I did get a prescription for some compression stockings which seem to help a little but if it keeps worsening its going to be a long 3 weeks!! 

Total Weight Gain:  38 pounds....gained 7 in the past week and sadly it is ALL water weight from how swollen I am :(

Babies are the size of: a large cantaloupe. Baby boy is estimated to be 4# 13 oz and baby girl is 4#7 oz! Perfect sizes for twins at this age

Movement: Lots of kicking and punching in this mama's belly. Also lots of contractions going on (still just Braxton Hicks I think)

Cravings:  Fruit, especially pineapple and strawberries

Sleep: Still sleeping without the need for extra pillows. Getting a good 10 hours a night...minus the bathroom breaks!

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!! 

Belly button: Innie! *But its a VERY tight innie!! 

Bedrest/Restrictions: No change at this point, still only can work 4 days a week and need to take it easy on weekends. Ed is going to start driving me to and from work because of the dizziness. We'll see how that goes! So sweet of him to do this. 

What I miss: Being comfortable! My cute normal clothes. Having ankles

Best part of the week:  Passing another stress test for the babies and knowing they are still healthy as can be

New Baby Gear:  Got our audio monitor and a lamp for the nursery for some dim lighting for overnight feeds. Also not new gear but we did get their daycare situation figured out! They got into the daycare we are in love with. The hours are fantastic, it is SO clean, I heard good things from other people that take their kids there, it is VERY structured and they start an education program very early on. I am still amazed they got in as we were on a wait list and expecting January 2015. Also saves us from searching for a nanny which was looking to be quite the task!

What I'm looking forward to this week: Knocking out another week and getting that much closer to meeting our babies! 

Whats left to do before twins comePick names (well little boy has a name! baby girl is down to 3 name options!). Pamper myself ;) Enjoy the last few nights of sleeping through the night and the last few weekends sleeping in! Spoil Maverick rotten!! 

Until next week....keep cooking twinkies!!! :)

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

34 Weeks

WE DID IT!!!!! If the twins decide to show up at any point now, they will be allowed to! I truly didn't think we'd make it this far at the beginning. Now I'm starting to think the stubborn little things will make us wait until 38 weeks!!

Weeks along: 34 weeks

Trimester: THIRD!

Frequency of OB appointments: Weekly. We will have two this week, one with our high risk doctor and then one with our OB after our weekly stress test/biophysical profile

How I'm feeling: Dizziness and lightheadedness is getting worse. Back pain is horrible.  Exhausted. Having Braxton Hicks contractions numerous times a day now. Starting to get a little swelling on my ankles if I'm on my feet to long (cankles are not an attractive feature!). Excited!!! We have 4 weeks or less until our twinkies are here!!!!

Total Weight Gain:  31 pounds (I know its all baby but a little piece of me wants to cry every time I get on the scale now....that's a lot of weight!!!)

Babies are the size of: a pineapple

Movement: Lots of kicking and punching in this mama's belly. Also lots of contractions going on (still just Braxton Hicks I think)

Cravings:  Fruit, especially pineapple

Sleep: Still sleeping without the need for extra pillows. 

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!! 

Belly button: Innie! *But its a VERY tight innie!! 

Bedrest/Restrictions: No change at this point, still only can work 4 days a week and need to take it easy on weekends. Doctor did mention if my dizziness worsens any more we may need to think about taking away my driving privileges.....really hoping this doesn't happen because if it does that would mean house thank you

What I miss: Being comfortable! My cute normal clothes. 

Best part of the week:  Passing another stress test for the babies and knowing they are still healthy as can be

New Baby Gear:  Nothing new, but did install the car seats! Actually don't think we will be having any other new baby gear until they arrive....we are ready!

What I'm looking forward to this week: Prenatal massage....I had one scheduled for last weekend but when I got there it turns out if you have a high risk pregnancy (twins are considered high risk) you need a doctors note first......soooo had to reschedule. Sad :( Oh well I guess now I have something to be excited for next week

Whats left to do before twins comePick names, finish packing hospital bags, get a plan together for Mav in case babies come before the 10th. Start the search for the Nanny. Pamper myself ;) Enjoy the last few nights of sleeping through the night! Spoil Maverick rotten!! 

Until next week....keep cooking twinkies!!! :)

Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Nursery

As promised, a few photos of the twins nursery. I had a hard time figuring out what to do with a boy and a girl. I knew if we had two girls it would be pink and grey and incredibly girly. If we had two boys I wanted a sporty theme. We got the baby lotto, one boy one girl, and I had nothing for nursery ideas! I knew I did not want an animal theme or winnie the pooh or mickey/minnie so that pretty much took out all the double gender ideas. We finally settled on simplicity. Gender neutral green and grey with some Grey chevron accents. Then little miss got purple butterflies (I"m saving my pink for when she gets her own room one day) and little mister got monsters inc (Eds request and super cute!).

Here are some before pictures of the nursery. It was just an ugly green room but it was also my second closet that I gave up....*tear*

Next came nursery prep by daddy and Maverick. Painting and putting together much furniture!
2 cribs, 2 dressers, one rocker ready for Ed to put together

After painting. The bottom is grey....although it looks a little blue here

Mav is such a good helper sleeping while the crib gets put together 

And now the final product!

Baby Girl's Crib

Baby Boys Crib

Front view of Baby Boy's Crib

Front view of Baby Girls Crib

Dresser complete with books, diaper stash, pacifier jar. 

Hair bow and headband holder that I made

Another dresser view


Little girl's jam packed closet

Little boy's jam packed closet
And that is the nursery :) All that is missing is two sweet little babies! And on that note.....if we make it through tonight we will officially hit 34 weeks which means they won't stop labor if the babies try to come. Still can't believe we've made it this far, its been a long 34 weeks!!! Heck its been a long 3 years getting to this point! Can't believe they are almost here :)

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

33 Weeks

Another week down! If we make it one more week we will reach the point where if the babies try to come they will not stop labor! Hooray! Keep on cookin babies :)

Weeks along: 33 weeks

Trimester: THIRD!

Frequency of OB appointments: Weekly. 

How I'm feeling: Dizziness and lightheadedness is getting worse again. Back pain is horrible if I don't wear my maternity belt (forgot that the other day at work....will not be making that mistake again). Really tired. Having Braxton Hicks contractions numerous times a day now.

Total Weight Gain:  28 pounds

Babies are the size of: a honeydew. One of my baby apps says they are just over 17 inches long at this stage and 4 pounds

Movement: Lots of kicking and punching in this mama's belly. Also lots of contractions going on (still just Braxton Hicks I think)

Cravings:  Apple Crisp! Mmmm sooo good

Sleep: Still sleeping without the need for extra pillows. 

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!! 

Belly button: Innie! *But its a tight innie!! 

Bedrest/Restrictions: No change at this point, still only can work 4 days a week and need to take it easy on weekends. 

What I miss: Being comfortable!

Best part of the week:  Having a relaxing weekend at home with Ed and Maverick. So nice to be able to enjoy these last few weeks of freedom!

New Baby Gear:  Got the twins their going home outfits. Also made baby girl's hairbow and headband holder. 

What I'm looking forward to this week: Making it through one more week....if we hit 34 weeks we will make it to the point of no return meaning the would not try to stop labor if it started. So so so close!!! I can't believe we've made it this far. 

Whats left to do before twins comePick names, Hang nursery artwork, pack hospital bags, get a plan together for Mav in case babies come before the 10th. Start the search for the Nanny. Pamper myself ;) Enjoy the last few nights of sleeping through the night! Spoil Maverick rotten!! 

Until next week....keep cooking twinkies!!! :)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

32 Weeks

Another week down! Each week we get through now is a blessing. I really think the twins will make it til their c-section date. But realistically if we can make it to 35 or 36 weeks they will likely avoid the NICU which is the ultimate goal. That being said...babies just stay put for 3 more weeks!!! Besides....we still don't know what to call you so you need to give us time for that :) I feel like this week I my belly has really started to stick out even further. Like byebye cute basketball pregnancy look and hello big freaking belly! Some of my maternity clothes are starting to get way am I buying more for 6 weeks (or less). Looks like I will be wearing the same few things these last few weeks! On the bright side my winter coat still zips......barely....but it does!

I look bigger then what I can't really see the top of the bump so I look much larger here

Still pretty tiny from the front...I'm managing to be the pregnant lady you can't tell from the back and then BAM babies from the side.....who would have though that was possible with twins!

Weeks along: 32 weeks

Trimester: THIRD!

Frequency of OB appointments: Weekly. This week was also the start of our weekly stress test and ultrasounds at the hospital. In addition we have our weekly OB appointment and still see the high risk doctor. These twins sure get a lot of checking up on them! 

How I'm feeling: Dizziness and lightheadedness is getting worse again. Back pain is horrible if I don't wear my maternity belt (forgot that the other day at work....will not be making that mistake again). Really tired. Having Braxton Hicks contractions numerous times a day now

Total Weight Gain:  27.5 pounds

Babies are the size of: a large Jicama (whatever that is). My belly measures full term is going to be freaking huge by the time they come out in 6 weeks

Movement: Stronger movements. They really like to move in the morning and after dinner. Usually one starts it, then they calm down just as they wake their twin up who will then move like crazy. 

Cravings:  Pineapple

Sleep: Still sleeping without the need for extra pillows. 

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!! 

Belly button: Innie! *But its a tight innie!! 

Bedrest/Restrictions: No change at this point, still only can work 4 days a week and need to take it easy on weekends. 

What I miss: Being able to eat raw cookie or brownie dough! Making brownies is not as fun if you can't lick the bowl!

Best part of the week:  Ed's birthday was over the weekend! Crazy that its the last birthday he'll have without kids! We had a low key weekend but managed to go to dinner twice to celebrate. Also had our first non-stress test (babies passed no problem). It was in the same part of the hospital we will deliver in, was nice to walk around that area and see how friendly the staff was and what a great place it will be to deliver

New Baby Gear:  Bought each baby a Valentines Day bib since they will be here by then! Also got them each a Valentines outfit. Baby books arrived, they are SO cute!  

What I'm looking forward to this week: New Years Eve and getting our hospital bags packed.....just in case. I'm so lucky to have some great friends who have already had kids and some have had c-sections too. I've been able to pick their brains on hospital bags so I can bring everything I"ll need and ask all my c-section questions. Also going to finally make the hairbow and headband holder for baby girl, hopefully it turns out good!! 

Whats left to do before twins comePick names, Hang nursery artwork, pack hospital bags, get a plan together for Mav in case babies come before the 10th. Start the search for the Nanny. Pamper myself ;) Enjoy the last few nights of sleeping through the night! Spoil Maverick rotten!! 

Will try to take some nursery pictures for one of these next posts since its done :)