This weekend Ed and I celebrated our Christmas since we'll be in Illinois for Christmas this year and didn't want to bring everything there and then back here again. Sunday we got up and exchanged stockings
All of our stockings by the fireplace....isn't mav's cute! |
Mav sniffing his stocking, he got his toy out with minimal help |
A squeaking bat, woohoo! |
My stocking |
Ed's stocking |
After stockings we made breakfast together and then opened presents. Mav got two more toys (spoiled much?!) and Ed got an Ipad 2 (spoiled much?!) :) I got some books, a movie, makeup, new perfume, fuzzy socks, and Christmas decorations (ok also maybe spoiled a litlte ;) )
"Patiently" waiting for whatever is in the bag |
Another new toy = happy pup! |
I pad 2 = Happy Husband |
Cute festive toys |
Yay for Clinique products! |
Some of the books I got and my new Coach perfume! |
After presents it was off to Lochness to take Mav on a walk
He just LOVES being off leash |
Waiting for mom and dad to catch up |
When we got home we rested all afternoon. Maverick found all 3 of his new toys and some how got it so that he was touching all of them at the same time.....see below:
We made a big Christmas dinner too....Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Casserole, Stuffing, and Sweet Potatoes. Topped it off with homemade fudge and oreo balls....where's a lift to get you to the couch when you need one! All in all I think it was a successful Christmas celebration! T minus 6 days until Christmas # 3 with my family....until then...time for a turkey coma!
wow...what a great Christmas!