This past weekend we were in Indiana and Michigan for my brother in law's HS graduation. While we were there my sister in law pointed out I have not blogged in a long time. So although this is a boring one, Lesley here is your blog update :)
We've been pretty lucky this year and had an early spring and easy winter. (Now that I've said that I'm pretty sure next winter will be horrible). Since spring came early we got a jump start on the yard work. I'm pretty sure by this time last year there were still snow piles in the parking lots! We altered a few of the flower beds for easier mowing, re mulched, moved some flowers, and got new flowers for by the front door. Here are a few pics from around the house:
Potted flowers on the corners of the deck |
Looking off the deck....fresh cut grass courtesy of me! |
Right side of the yard |
Left side o the yard |
Some of my potted petunias by the front door.....going on 5 weeks and still alive, a new record for me! |
Front door |
Got rid of the horrible thorny barberry plants, new bushes that have purple flowers! |
Last years hydrangea's didn't make it...put Daffodils in their place, those suckers grow anywhere. Also our new hose holder, it winds itself back up, genius! |
Front yard, reshaped this bed a little and have grass growing in the front left area now |
Got rid of all the rock in front of the front patio and put in grass seed, its coming in nicely |
This weekend should be a fun one! I'm going to a good friend's bachlorette party and Ed will be having a boys weekend. Should have a much more interesting blog next time :) Happy weekend!!!
Looks Great!