Tuesday, November 26, 2013

27 Weeks

Happy Thanksgiving week!!! This year I am SO thankful for the twins we have been blessed with, it was a very long road getting to this point and it was not easy. However, without everything we had to go through and the IVF we would not be expecting TWO little peanuts to turn this house upside down!  It is crazy to me to think that this is our last calm Thanksgiving....starting next year we will have two peanuts crawling around!!! We were at our doctors appointment last week and our doctor was chatting with us about how different things will be this time next year. So fun to think of!! But for now we'll just keep these turkeys baking in the oven as long as I possibly can. With how well our OB visits have been going (on their end with their growth...not on how I feel!) they are going to make it to the very end without needing the NICU....fingers crossed I"m right about this!!!

Mav is thankful there are only 3 more months left of his weekly photos :)

Weeks along: 27 weeks

Trimester: Second....but last week of second trimester!!!!!

Frequency of OB appointments: Every 2 weeks

How I'm feeling: More and less of the same. Starting to get some pelvic pressure from all the weight bearing down (luckily MD says babies aren't trying to escape yet!) so needing to take it easier

Total Weight Gain:  22 pounds.....doing a steady pound a week, just like the MD wants!

Babies are the size of: A head of cauliflower

Movement: Lots the past few days....they really get going to music. Clearly they are my children because they are LOVING the Christmas music I've been listening to in the car.....or they hate it and are beating me for listening but sorry babies mom is winning this one :) Christmas music is here for the next month!

Cravings: None

Sleep: So tired I can fall asleep about anywhere, but seem to favor the couch :) Sleeping well so far, fingers crossed this continues as long as possible

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!!

Belly button: Innie! *But its a tight innie!!

Bedrest/Restrictions: Have to cut back my hours at work :( Only working 4 days a week now starting in December and she said we would re-evaluate as we go in case I need to cut back more. On the days I stay home now I have to be a couch potato....I can make my lunch and use the bathroom but otherwise am to be resting. Also need to try and do this at least one of the days of the weekend. Thank goodness I have a pile of books to read and holiday movies are in full swing on the lifetime movie network! I'm hoping those will keep my sanity :) The goal is that this will keep me off full bedrest. **fingers crossed**

What I miss: Being able to put on shoes and socks easily....being able to get off the couch or out of bed easily

Best part of the week:  Went through ALL the babies clothes they've acquired (holy spoiled) and got it all organized. So fun to see their tiny little outfits again. SO SO excited to play dress up once they get here, they have the cutest clothes! Even Ed was saying how he really likes their outfits and can't wait to put them in it. Took me 5 loads of laundry to wash it all.....oh the joys I have ahead of me as our laundry amount probably triples!

New Baby Gear:  Nada.....gotta get the shower stuff sorted through and put away first before we can tackle anything else

What I'm looking forward to this week: Thanksgiving!! I will be in comfy yoga pants and will be stuffing this belly!!! Also SO excited to have 4 days off to relax, I am worn out! 

Happy Thanksgiving to all!!! 

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

26 Weeks

Holy cow 26 weeks already....all baby showers done...still not on bedrest...this pregnancy is going just as I've planned....so far! If I can just organize all our baby gear we can literally sit back and let these babies cook until they're ready to come out! I'm also happy to report this week I've had 3 people tell me they can't tell I'm pregnant from behind....yay for me! I always thought it'd be fun to be the pregnant lady you can't tell from behind then you turn and "BAM" belly! As you can see from the pics....I am definately getting the belly!!

Weeks along: 26 weeks

Trimester: Second

Frequency of OB appointments: Every 2 weeks

How I'm feeling: Mainly just exhausted this week and periods of dizziness. Only seem to get sciatica this week when I sit on the floor with Mav for a long period of time, but he loves it so I'll suck that up 

Total Weight Gain:  Not sure, will get a weight at this weeks MD appt

Babies are the size of: A head of lettuce (which evidently I can not draw well based on this weeks board)

Movement: Getting more active by the day

Cravings: None

Sleep: So tired I can fall asleep about anywhere, but seem to favor the couch :) Sleeping well so far, fingers crossed this continues as long as possible
Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!!

Belly button: Innie! *But its a tight innie!!

Bedrest/Restrictions: No bed-rest yet!

What I miss: Wine would have been fun to have with all my friends last weekend at the shower!!

Best part of the week:  Celebrating the twins with two wonderful baby showers. One from work and one with my Minnesota friends and some of our family that made the trek up 

New Baby Gear:  Geesh where to start!! Pack n Play, 2 bouncers, 2 jumpers/exersaucers, 2 boppys plus covers, bags and bags of clothes, bottles, bottle warmers, cute toys, fun books, diapers, bath tub, bath toys, organization for the bathroom, play mat, car seat covers, diaper changing stations, headbands, cute shoes and socks, adorable baby hats, blankets galore. I'm sure I"m forgetting stuff but we seriously got so much its hard to think straight!! We are so lucky to have so many wonderful people in our lives who love the twins so much already. They will be two lucky babies once they arrive :) Now mommy and daddy have tons to do and put together and organize to be ready!!

What I'm looking forward to this week:That we don't have anything going on!! I am seriously so exhausted and beyond excited for a weekend of doing nothing....well except for starting to put out Christmas decorations and hopefully washing and organizing all of the baby clothes and blankets so the nursery will be essentially complete. I"m hoping Ed and I can even squeeze in a movie!! Gotta enjoy while we can :) 

Monday, November 11, 2013

25 Weeks

Only a few more weeks till the 3rd trimester!! Less then 3 months until they arrive (assuming they make it to the 38  weeks that they have to come out by). Really making a lot of progress getting ready for babies. Poor Mav is just not sure of any of this change. I have started bribing him in the nursery, he was going in and just laying there pouting and looking sad. We've started bringing his toys in there and sitting with him or feeding him a peanut butter kong in there. Hopefully he'll start to come around :)

He says "Oh crap that is getting close" 

Weeks along: 25 weeks down....13 more to go, at the most!! 

Trimester: Second

Frequency of OB appointments: Every 2 weeks

How I'm feeling: More or less of the same....tired, nausea, headaches, sciatica, back pain, dizzy. Luckily I do have periods I feel good between all of this! 

Total Weight Gain:  20ish pounds

Babies are the size of: An eggplant

Movement: I have some crazy kickers in my belly right now. And they love to be active at really convenient times like when I'm working :)

Cravings: Panera Broccoli and cheese soup

Sleep: So so this week, a few nights where it was hard to get comfortable but then the next night I was fine

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!!

Belly button: Innie!

Bedrest/Restrictions: No bed-rest yet!

What I miss: People having manners. I'm sorry but it is not okay to just reach out and touch someones stomach. In addition its not ok to say "you look so big for 25 weeks". I know I'm big but I don't need to hear and and news flash, I'm not going to look 25 weeks when I have two healthy babies growing inside me that are EACH the size of a normal singleton baby. Ok rant over...for this week :)

Best part of the week:  Nothing special this week :)

New Baby Gear:  Got bumbo chairs, a playmat, Sophie the giraffes, a boppy, some jeans for each baby (thanks Carters for the awesome sale this weekend!). Also got our video monitor

What I'm looking forward to this week:Baby showers!! Work is throwing me one on Wednesday after work and then my awesome sister in law and a good friend are co-throwing my other shower on Saturday. 

Sunday, November 10, 2013

24 Weeks

I've had this written for a week but been to lazy to load the pics until today...but here is 24 weeks!

You can't really tell in this dress (which is NOT a maternity dress, yay for still fitting!!!) but I still have a waist!

Weeks along: 24

Trimester: Second

Frequency of OB appointments: Every 2 weeks with OB and every 5 weeks with perinatal for growth ultrasounds

How I'm feeling: More or less of the same....tired, nausea, headaches, sciatica, back pain, dizzy. I could probably handle the tiredness and headaches and pain just fine if the dizziness would go away. It pops up at the most random times and is so annoying!!!

Total Weight Gain:  20 pounds

Babies are the size of: An ear of corn. Actually baby boy weighs 1 pound 8 oz and baby girl is 1 pound 6 oz (roughly based on ultrasound). Best part is they are the size of a normal single baby so I am growing some very healthy normal kids!! Yay for them...bad for my ever expanding belly!

Movement: LOTS! Feel them both a few times a day but he continues to be more active then her. Ed was finally able to feel the boy move this week, little girl was uncooperative :)

Cravings: Nada

Sleep: I feel like I just can't get enough!

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!!

Belly button: Innie!

Bedrest/Restrictions: No bed-rest yet! However at our appointment this week it was brought up that I will likely need to cut my hours at work in the near future :( Going to stick with it as long as my doctor will let me though

What I miss: Feeling little! Also I miss people not wanting to touch my stomach....if you didn't put it there, don't touch it!!!

Best part of the week:  Ed getting to feel the babies move was awesome! I also loved maternity clothes shopping only because the lady there just was so sweet. She was saying everything I needed to hear that day, that I looked so small for twins, that you can't tell there are two yet, etc. It was just so nice to hear that I looked cute and little when I felt so blah. 

New Baby Gear:  New stroller came and the carseats fit great in it. 

What I'm looking forward to this week: Nothing in particular this week! Maybe more baby shower gifts showing up in the mail, I bet the UPS man just hates us haha!