Monday, November 11, 2013

25 Weeks

Only a few more weeks till the 3rd trimester!! Less then 3 months until they arrive (assuming they make it to the 38  weeks that they have to come out by). Really making a lot of progress getting ready for babies. Poor Mav is just not sure of any of this change. I have started bribing him in the nursery, he was going in and just laying there pouting and looking sad. We've started bringing his toys in there and sitting with him or feeding him a peanut butter kong in there. Hopefully he'll start to come around :)

He says "Oh crap that is getting close" 

Weeks along: 25 weeks down....13 more to go, at the most!! 

Trimester: Second

Frequency of OB appointments: Every 2 weeks

How I'm feeling: More or less of the same....tired, nausea, headaches, sciatica, back pain, dizzy. Luckily I do have periods I feel good between all of this! 

Total Weight Gain:  20ish pounds

Babies are the size of: An eggplant

Movement: I have some crazy kickers in my belly right now. And they love to be active at really convenient times like when I'm working :)

Cravings: Panera Broccoli and cheese soup

Sleep: So so this week, a few nights where it was hard to get comfortable but then the next night I was fine

Wedding ring: On

Stretch marks: Nada!!

Belly button: Innie!

Bedrest/Restrictions: No bed-rest yet!

What I miss: People having manners. I'm sorry but it is not okay to just reach out and touch someones stomach. In addition its not ok to say "you look so big for 25 weeks". I know I'm big but I don't need to hear and and news flash, I'm not going to look 25 weeks when I have two healthy babies growing inside me that are EACH the size of a normal singleton baby. Ok rant over...for this week :)

Best part of the week:  Nothing special this week :)

New Baby Gear:  Got bumbo chairs, a playmat, Sophie the giraffes, a boppy, some jeans for each baby (thanks Carters for the awesome sale this weekend!). Also got our video monitor

What I'm looking forward to this week:Baby showers!! Work is throwing me one on Wednesday after work and then my awesome sister in law and a good friend are co-throwing my other shower on Saturday.