Thursday, September 4, 2014

7 months

Wow! 7 months already! Just crazy!! They are closer to being one then being newborns! *tear*. They are getting so so so busy. Every day I feel like they find something new to learn or something new that is hilarious!

Came off our reflux medication!!

Alex sat unsupported 8/6

Kylie sat unsupported 8/9

Changed to level 3 nipples 8/19

Alex pivots around on his tummy 8/25

Kylie up on all fours rocking 8/25....I feel like she will crawl any day now

New foods: apples, squash, peaches, pears, green beans, corn, prunes

Learning to play by themselves 

Nap snuggling together

Nap with Mav

Reading with Daddy


Nicknames: Alex, Little Dude, Little Man, Pumpkin, little buddy

Weight:   Didn't weigh him at home

Height:   will get at 9 month check

Head circumference:  will get at 9 month check

Diaper size: 2

Clothing size: 6 month and also some of his 3-6 month still fits too

Feeds: Target brand Gentlease. He takes 8 ounces 4 times a day (7 AM, 11 AM, 3 PM, 730 PM). He gets baby foods twice a day (9 AM and then at 530 PM when we eat dinner). The boy still has not met a food he doesn't like! He loves to eat! He keeps his hands far to the side when you feed him baby foods so you can get the food in as fast as possible. He likes to humm while you feed him and will smack his tray when you don't get the food in fast enough. So far we have had peas, carrots, green beans, sweet potato, corn, squash, apple, banana, pear, prune, and peaches! His current favorite is sweet potato and corn mixed together.

Sleep: He goes to bed at 7:30 (7 if hes really grumpy  tired) after having a diaper change, bottle, and listening to lullabies. Dad wakes him during the week at 5:45 for a bottle. After this bottle he goes back to bed until mom wakes at 7:45 for Daycare OR if its a weekend he wakes around 9 AM on his own. He is a good sleeper and will sleep by himself in the crib. He LOVES to snuggle (prefers chest to chest). He also loves to nap on this fuzzy gray blanket we have on the couch. He takes 3 cat naps a day (about 30 minutes each ) at daycare. At home he takes 2 30 minute naps and if you're lucky one 60 to 90 minute nap. MUST have pacifier to nap! He likes to sleep with his Lovie and sleeps so much better with it. No more sleep sacks!

Health: Healthy and happy all month....minus teething. Still no teeth but he sure is biting on everything and drooling like crazy.

Behavior: Such a smiley boy! Only upset when he is tired or hungry. He is fascinated by Maverick and will just stare at him and follow him around the room.  Loves to giggle. When something is funny you can do it over and over and he will laugh over and over. Everything goes to his mouth!!!

Play : He loves to get in his jumper and try to jump. He also thinks peek a boo is hilarious. He likes to cover his face and pull it off himself. He thinks he's hilarious when he does that. Maverick is almost better then toys! He loves his activity table and constantly sits at it and bangs on the keys to make it play music. He loves Sophie the Giraffe. Still loves his pacifier. Also loves his giraffe toy that moves balls around that he took from Grandmas house...apparently the giraffe must taste good as it is ALWAYS in his mouth. Alex also thinks its fun to take things from his sister! Loves having dance parties!

Able to roll over from front to back and back to front. Can sit unsupported. On his belly he can pivot around so he faces the direction he wants.  Babbling. Very sturdy when you hold him to stand and can even hold himself standing if he is supported on something.

7 month photo:


Nicknames: Kylie Bear, Lil Diva, Princess, Lovebug

Weight: Didn't get this month

Height: will get at 9 month check

Head circumference: Will get at 9 month check

Diaper size: 1 but she will move to 2 when she finishes this box

Clothing size: 3 month still fits great, SUCH a peanut!

Feeds: Target brand Gentlease. She takes 7 ounces 3 times a day (7 AM, 11 AM, 3 PM). At bedtime she takes 8 oz.  She gets baby foods twice a day (9 AM and 530 PM when we eat). She usually can eat a whole container of baby food. Her favorite is sweet potato and corn mixture. So far Kylie has had peas, carrots, green beans, sweet potato, corn, squash, apple, banana, pear, prune, and peaches! If she does not like it (peas) she will just straight up refuse to eat. The girl knows what she likes! She is much better at getting the food in her mouth and rarely is her tongue in the way now. We do like to grab for the spoon and if you leave it unattended she will grab it and try to feed herself....she has successfully fed herself on one occasion!

Sleep: She goes to bed at 7:30 (7 if she is cranky tired) after having a diaper change, bottle, and listening to lullabies. Mom wakes her during the week at 6:45 for a bottle. After this bottle she goes back to bed until mom wakes at 7:45 for Daycare OR if its a weekend we usually have to wake her between 9 and 10. The kid loves her sleep! She is a good sleeper and will sleep by herself in the crib. She LOVES to snuggle (prefers chest to chest). She is taking about 3 30 minute naps at daycare and if she is home with mom and dad and you are willing to hold her, she'll sleep on you for an hour to hour and a half. If she is over tired and throwing a tantrum she only goes to sleep if you cradle her and sway her back and forth. She likes to sleep with her Lovie. No more sleep sack!

Health: Healthy as can be! No reflux meds! Dodged pinkeye at daycare (score!). Teething like crazy, poor peanut.

Behavior: Kylie is such a smiley girl. She likes to smile and then turn away like she is shy. Her nose wrinkles when she smiles. She thinks peek a boo is funny. She is very very curious still and studies everything. She is still our sassy little diva! She stops in her tracks if hte dog comes in the room, she is fascinated by him.

Play : Kylie loves to roll. She loves to jump even more. She will jump in her jumper for over 30 minutes at a time and just giggles like crazy as she does it. She loves playing on the activity tables. She likes to look in the mirror. Kylie loves anything she can put in her mouth to bite.. Loves her Sophie the Giraffe. Loves having dance parties with mom and dad!

Development: rolling back to front and front to back. Loves her feet.  Sits unsupported. Pivots to get where she wants to face but no crawling yet. Screaming babbling constantly. She is MUCH louder then her brother. :)

7 month photo:


Some of our highlights of the past month:
Where to start?!?! In addition to all the firsts which will always be memorable, here are a few other things:

Becoming more and more aware of Maverick, the babies are mesmorized by him and can not get enough of him.

Grammy, Aunt Lesley, and Uncle Nate babysat August 16 so Mom and Dad could have date night

Brunch with Grammy, Aunt Lesley, and Uncle Nate August 17

Hung out with family friends for a bbq August 23

Playdate with Jeffrey on August 8

Interacting more and more with Maverick

So many giggles

Huge smiles

Plotting something 

One of my favorites of this month:

Tons of time in our jumpers

Tootsie time

Sophie time

Until next month!! :) In the meantime I think we will start baby proofing (sorry Mav for the gates!) and decorating the toy room!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this blog! Such a great way to see the details. You do such a great job, I feel like I'm closer as they grow up! :)
