Saturday, November 29, 2014

First road trip

We took the kids on their first long road trip for Thanksgivong weekend! The longest car ride prior to this was maybe an hour or two. We knew it'd be rough as  they are so mobile they don't like to be in car seats. We decided to drive through the night to make it easier on them. Do we rented a minivan so the dog could come. Then we loaded the van with a dog, two kids, a bag of toys, 4 other bags, snacks, and Christmas presents (we celebrate Xmas with one side of our family at Thanksgiving) and hit the road!

Kylie all smiles and Alex not so happy right before leaving 

We loaded the kids about 6 pm and hit the road in our minivan (ew) rental.....which we grew to love (holy space saver)! We drove about 90 minutes then woke the kids at a mcdonalds parking lot to feed their bedtime bottle and inhale some Mcdonalds for ourselves. Well that was a mistake! They went from sleeping sweetly to not wanting to eat and wanting to play in the van. 

Luckily big bro Mav was willing to share his seat for a brief time! After we ate we out them back in car seats (cue screaming) and hit the road. The next 7 hours or so were on and off periods of sleeping and waking up crying because they were still on car seats. By 4 am we were at Ed's parents, exhausted but so happy to see family and have that stretch of the trip done! We will def make some changes for the way back but overall I still think it went well! 

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